The first time I remember hearing this phrase was a few years ago. My initial thoughts to the usage of this phrase were:
Kitchen cookware doesn't talk.... uh, hellooo.
... yeah, but is he black?
How am I supposed to know what that means? So I ask. "I'm sorry, I don't know what that means." Everyone always looks at me and asks, "wait, where are you from?"
So it was explained to me, "the pot is black, and it's saying the kettle is black. But they're both black. Get it?"
What? No.
My thoughts:
Where I come from both the pot and kettle are more of a grey metal color... and they don't really talk much. Except the kettle, and it whistles a bit. Actually we have one of those electric kettles you plug into the electrical outlet and it dings when the water is boiled but we used to have a whistler. But I'll play along with this notion of old-fashioned kettles. So I'll imagine a cast-iron kettle and a cast-iron pot. Eewwwwwww who would want to cook anything in that? There'd be metal shavings all in the food!
After I casted a puzzled look, my friend (okay, it was Justin again) shouted exasperatingly "Hypocrite! It means you're a hypocrite!"
"Ohhh.... like the whole spec/plank in your eye?"
Now it was Justin who returned the puzzled look.
I continued, "yea... you know, before you mention the spec in your neighbor's eye, remove the plank from your own... No? Well...I'd rather say, 'Before I tell you this, I need to take the plank outta my eye...' It'd probably have a more comical or confusing effect than 'I'M A HYPOCRITE!'"
Justin looked at me in disbelief. "That's why you say 'That's like the pot calling the kettle black'..."
"I suppose..."
Spear's Definition:
The pot is calling the kettle black or That's the pot calling the kettle black
Prov. You should not criticize someone for a fault that you have too. (Not polite to say about the person you are addressing.)
Bill told Barbara she was sloppy, but Bill never cleans up after himself, either. That's the pot calling the kettle black.
My sister says I dress funny, but if you've seen some of the clothes she wears, you know it's a case of the pot calling the kettle black.
Okay, okay. So it had been explained. It had soaked in. I could put it into use in my everyday vocabulary.
That's the Pot Calling the Kettle BlackMy Score Card for this idiom:
Able to be understood initially?: No
Able to be understood once explained?: Yes
Next problem:
Which one is the name-caller?
Is the kettle calling the pot black?
Kettles tend to be noisier.
Wait, no, it's the pot.
After encountering this dilemma a few times, I compromised with,
"That's the pot or the kettle calling the other one black."
People know what I'm saying even though they cock their head to one side as if to have the sentence trickle down in between the ears to have it come out translated on the other side.
Meh, it still works for me.
Awkwardly yours,
an under-read American